1. Age Confirmation
1. 確認年齡限制
Before proceeding further on this website, please confirm that you are over 18 years old and recognized as an adult in your region. This site may contain content that is intended for adults only. If you have not reached the age of majority or are under 18, please leave immediately.
2. Prohibited Illegal Content
2. 禁止違法內容
We strongly urge all users to respect the rights of others and comply with all applicable local and international laws. It is strictly forbidden to post, disseminate or publicize any illegal, obscene, threatening, fraudulent, pornographic, or content that violates Taiwanese law or the law of your area on this site.
3. Reporting Mechanism
3. 檢舉機制
We provide a reporting feature in LATEX Forum for users to report content that violates these policies. We will review all reports and take appropriate action.
We provide a reporting feature in LATEX Forum for users to report content that violates these policies. We will review all reports and take appropriate action.
我們在 LATEX Forum 提供了檢舉功能,讓使用者可以報告違反這些政策的內容。我們將會審查所有報告,並採取適當的行動。
4. Consequences for Violating the Policy
4. 違反政策的後果
If you violate this policy, we may take action on your account, including but not limited to temporarily or permanently limiting your use of LATEX Forum and removing violating content.
若您違反本政策,我們可能會對您的帳戶採取行動,包括但不限於暫時或永久地限制您使用 LATEX Forum,並移除違規內容。
5. Protecting Your Privacy
5. 保護您的隱私
We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. When you register on this site or provide any personal information, we will handle your information in accordance with the laws of Taiwan's personal data protection.
6. Combating Cyberbullying
6. 打擊網路霸凌行為
This site provides a safe environment for every user, and we will strictly combat any form of cyberbullying. Violators may face penalties, including being banned from using this site.